

For more than 30 years, the Office of Precollegiate Student Services at UMSL has served the St. 路易地区, 提供免费的, year-round college preparation services to high school and middle school students and their parents.


The Benefits of Bridge

所有程序都是 免费的!

Scholarship and Dual Enrollment Opportunities

ACT Prep Courses and Materials

1:1 College Planning Meetings

Student Success Empowerment Workshops


The number of high school students under-prepared for transition into college continues to rise. That's where our award-winning UMSL桥梁项目 comes in. If you are in grades 9 through 12, the Bridge Program can provide you with a broad range of high-quality and stimulating educational experiences that will contribute to your successful transition to college.The Bridge Program is designed to:

  • Encourage students to complete high school and pursue post-secondary attainment;
  • Prepare and motivate students to seek careers in math, 科学, engineering and technological fields;
  • Support mathematics and 科学 instruction in participating schools;
  • Promote the development of strong academic, personal, interpersonal and professional skills.

Explore our Bridge 项目

Learn more about our precollegiate programs, including program requirements and how to apply.

Bridge Program 夏季学院

Our 夏季学院 is held from mid-June to mid-July for students in grades 6 through 10 and offers academic enrichment courses in mathematics, 科学, written and oral communication, 职业研究, personal and professional development and activities that support college planning.

High School Information

Middle School Information

Cigna 周六学院

Our 周六学院 is held the first two Saturdays of each month from October through March and is for students in grades 9 through 12. Students are immersed in academic skills workshops in math, 科学与写作, as well as activities designed to enhance their ability to perform well on college entrance exams.


Bridge Program 课后社团

Our 课后社团 meet from September to May in selected schools in the area to engage students in inquiry and discovery in the fields of math and 科学. Students meet weekly to conduct research, participate in math and 科学 competitions and become active high school students on the UMSL campus.

After School Club Information

Parents at a Bridge Session

Bridge Program 父母学院

Held on the first Saturday of each month from October through March, the 父母学院 exposes parents to essential and effective workshops to promote the success of their college bound student. 集体, parents and students are involved in a variety of speaker seminars that offer additional expertise and useful resources.

Parent 学院信息

Additional Bridge Program Opportunities

The UMSL Office of Precollegiate Student Services also offers college preparation workshops, personal and professional development seminars, networking and mentoring, volunteer opportunities, and counseling services. For more information, please contact us at precollegiate@facedanse.com or call our office at 314-516-5196.


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2023 夏季学院 Awards Highlights

2024 周六学院 Awards Highlights

捐赠 to the Bridge Program

Your support helps Bridge continue to succeed in combating the challenges that impede college access for all. 谢谢你!.
